I live in central London and when there pretty I am much QRT, but when working away I become more active, but never as formal DXpeditions.

Here are some of the places I have worked as a doctor, and some random pictures in random order associated with this hobby.

GM3WIP Yell Shetland, VK4BGL QLD Australia, VK0GB Casey Antarctica, VP8DPD Falklands, ZD7GB St Helena, ZD8GB on Ascension Island  I was ZD9DR but never activated it, as I had no radio with me on Tristan Da Cunha. 

My kit for some years Yaesu 857 annd 897 with ATAS verticals.  I also have QO-100 satellite running DX patrol upconverter to 4W various sized dishes driven by my Yaesu.  I use Airspy Mini, Funcube dongle and Raspberry Pis. One of them 3b has working for some years now is at https://yell.bulger.co.uk

My need: Somewhere quiet in UK to erect antennas and run remotely from London or anywhere, set up as a shared resource. When operating in London I have to use KiwiSDR or OpenWebRx for receive as at my addresses in London EC1 and SE18 I have a noise floors between S8 and S9.

My QTH is over a bridge in a van next to my apartment.  QO-100 Satellite woks fine from inside the van pointing the dish towards St Paul's cathedral.

vanQTH van brige QTH
Dish just fits in  ATAS and 2m antenna can just be seen,

There are QRZ pages of my callsigns.  My other pages include gerardbulger.com.au

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